Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Welcome to this blog!

Here I will share with you my thoughts on the simplicity movement, integrating simple choices into my life, simplicity as it relates to art and artful living, and the interplay of simplicity and spirituality.

I became interested in simplicity about 3 years ago, but looking back, can see how it has always touched my life, again and again, until I was ready to look at it fully, and to really accept it as a way of life.

My choice for simplicity is rooted in a desire to be in touch with my inner knowing, to be calm and quiet enough to listen to my heart's yearnings, and to be open to the possibilities of gentle change and self-realization. It is also supported by my longing for spiritual experience (knowing "god"), which as an Agnostic, I don't pursue through dogmatic beliefs or practices of any particular religion. And lastly, it is rooted in the grief that I hold in my heart for what is happening to our planet, and a hope that we can somehow heal the damage we are causing before it is too late.

I hope you find inspiration in my musings...

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